* Shadow Dance
o Time to gain Essence of Shadow charges is reduced by cooldown reduction effects.
o Time to gain next charge does not progress while you are at maximum charges.
* Magic Resistance per Level increased to 1.25 from 0
* Valkyrie
o Increased the range to 800 from 700.
o Increased the base speed to 650 from 500.
* Missile Barrage
o Missile Barrage now scales off 20% of his total attack damage in addition to ability power.
o Time to store a missile is reduced by cooldown reduction effects.
o Time to store next missile does not progress while you are at maximum missiles stored.
o Corki respawns with 4 missiles.
Dr. Mundo
* Magic Resistance per Level increased to 0.75 from 0.5
* Essence Flux
o Changed the attack speed increase to be additive rather than multiplicative.
o Reduced the cooldown to 9 seconds from 10 seconds.
* Trueshot Barrage
o Increased the AP ratio to 0.9 from 0.8.
* Dark Wind
o Cooldown reduced to 13 seconds from 14 seconds.
* Drain
o Increased the damage to 60/90/120/150/180 from 50/75/100/130/160.
o Reduced the cooldown to 10/9/8/7/6 from 10.
* Idol of Durand
o Fixed a bug where Idol of Durand could break a target's Spell Shield or Banshee's Veil and still taunt them.
* H28-G Evolution Turret - Improved AI against enemy champions
o Enemy champions who attack Heimerdinger near an H28-G turret will now become the focus of that turret.
o UPGRADE!!! will now cause all H28-G turrets to focus enemy champions for the duration.
* Empower
o Empower now properly procs Rylai's
* Bouncing Blade
o Reduced the cooldown to 9/8.5/8/7.5/7 from 10/9.5/9/8.5/8.
* Killer Instinct
o Reduced the cooldown to 20/18/16/14/12 from 22/20/18/16/14.
* Updated PVP.Net tags and character ratings
* Updated Recommended Items
* Finales Funkeln
o AP ratio increased to .85 from .75
* Ground Slam
o Fixed a bug where Ground Slam would go through spell shields.
* Unstoppable Force
o Fixed a bug where the stun wouldn't last long enough. Unstoppable Force now stuns for 1.5 seconds up from 1 second at all ranks.
* Magic Resistance per Level increased to 1.25 from 0
Miss Fortune
* Ricochet Shot
o Reduced the damage dealt to the secondary target to 115% from 120.
* Make It Rain
o Reduced the slow duration to 1 second from 1.5 seconds.
* Mace of Spades
o Base damage increased to 80/110/140/170/200, from 20/40/60/80/100
o Now scales off of only bonus Attack Damage, rather than all Attack Damage (so Q doesn't scale with Mordekaiser's level)
o Now deals 75% bonus damage if Mace of Spades only finds 1 target
o Cost reduced to 20/25/30/35/40 from 30/35/40/45/50
o The main target of Mace of Spades now generates shield for Mordekaiser
* Creeping Death
o Increased base damage to 24/38/52/66/80, from 16/32/48/64/80
o Increased AP ratio to 0.2, from 0.15
o Greatly increased missile travel time when casting it on an ally
* Siphon of Destruction
o Damage reduced to 65/105/145/185/225 from 85/110/155/200/245
o AP ratio increased to 0.6 from 0.4
o Base shield generation reduced to 1/2/3/4/5, from 6/9/12/15/18
* Children of the Grave
o Spell
+ Now steals 24/29/34% of the target's maximum health over the duration, up from 24/28/32%
+ Now deals half damage initially and half damage over time
+ Duration increased to 10 seconds, from 8
+ Total AP ratio over the duration increased to 0.04, from 0.016
+ Fixed a bug where Children of the Grave was improperly blocked by Black Shield
o Pet
+ The pet now gains 75% of Mordekaiser's Ability Power and Damage at all 3 ranks (from 65/75/85%), and the ratio itself no longer increases with Mordekaiser's AP
+ The pet now gains 15% of Mordekaiser's Health, down from 50%
+ Mordekaiser now gains 20% of the pet's Ability Power, down from 25%
+ Mordekaiser now gains 20% of the pet's Attack Damage, down from 25%
+ Fixed a bug where the pet was not generating shield for Mordekaiser when hitting inhibitors
* Iron Man
o Shield generation increased to 30%, from 25%
o Fixed a tooltip bug (his maximum shield value was always 20 lower than the tooltip showed)
* General
o Fixed bugs where several components of some spells generated shield equal to 20% of the damage dealt instead of 25%
o Fixed bugs where several tooltips did not properly reflect cooldown values with cooldown reduction factored in
o Fixed a bug where occasionally Mordekaiser could generate shield multiple times from a single source of damage (causing a huge spike)
o Reworded/simplified several tooltips
* Defensive Ball Curl
o Reduced the base damage return to 22/28/34/40/46 from 26/32/38/44/50.
o Fixed a bug where the tooltip was not displaying the proper bonus damage return.
* Boomerang Blade
o Boomer Blade now scales with 75% of Sivir's attack damage.
* Increased health per level to 82 from 76.
* Song of Celerity
o Fixed a bug where song of discord was granting more movespeed than intended. (23% decrease)
* Crescendo
o Cooldown increased to 170/150/130 from 160/140/120.
* Noxious Trap
o Noxious Traps no longer give any gold as a bounty when killed, down from 25.
o Noxious Traps show their remaining duration when selected.
* Ambush
o Attack speed reduced to 30/40/50/60/70% from 30/45/60/80/100%.
* Tiger Stance
o Fixed some bugs where certain items would have their damage cut down to 1/3. They now deal full damage on Tiger Hit. (Affected items are Madred's Razors, Wriggle's Lantern, Sheen, Lich Bane and Trinity Force)
Xin Zhao
* General
o Xin'Zhao is now properly considered melee, so he gains full effect from items like Youmuu's Ghostblade and Frozen Mallet.
* Trinity Force stats modified.
o Cost: Unchanged
o +30 Attack Damage (up from 20)
o +30 Ability Power
o +30% Attack Speed (up from 25%)
o +15% Critical Strike (up from 12%)
o +12% Movement Speed
o +250 Mana (down from 300)
o +250 Health (down from 300)
Summoner Spells
* Exhaust is now properly flagged as a slow + blind.
Shurelia (Miyuki) is a person that plays video games. She enjoys Umeboshi, and the face people make when they eat it.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
The Rose's Pride
+52 Ability Power
+64 Armor
UNIQUE Active: Shields your champion, absorbing the next 200 damage (+150% of your Ability Power); lasts up to 4 seconds. 45 second cooldown
Note: This may end up like Hexdrinker and they may scrap it.
Also, about the new champion, nothing much I can tell you. On the PTR Leblanc is selectable but no sprite, picture, spells, not playable, etc.(Leblanc is next)
Edit: Here is a little video of the upcoming Astronaut Teemo.
+64 Armor
UNIQUE Active: Shields your champion, absorbing the next 200 damage (+150% of your Ability Power); lasts up to 4 seconds. 45 second cooldown
Note: This may end up like Hexdrinker and they may scrap it.
Also, about the new champion, nothing much I can tell you. On the PTR Leblanc is selectable but no sprite, picture, spells, not playable, etc.(Leblanc is next)
Edit: Here is a little video of the upcoming Astronaut Teemo.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Patch notes from 10/8
Since everyone is crying about them not putting up the PTR patch notes on the test realm, let's post them here.
Yes, I realize I didn't format it correctly, but it should still all be readable, you don't have to keep PMing me about it, unless you really need to.
Yes, I realize I didn't format it correctly, but it should still all be readable, you don't have to keep PMing me about it, unless you really need to.
o Increased HP per Level to 70 from 65
o Increased Base Damage to 48 from 45
AmumuBandage Toss
o Reduced Cooldown to 16/14/12/10/8 from 18/16/14/12/10
Curse of the Sad Mummy
o Reduced Duration to 2 from 2.5
o Increased Mana per Level to 40 from 36
Static Field
o Reduced Cooldown to 30 from 40
o No longer targets stealthed units
o Reduced Cooldown to 15 from 20
o Reduced Mana Cost to 75 from 90
o Now Reduces Movement Speed by 75 instead of 25%
(fixes an edge case bug)
Mana Barrier
o No longer uses or refunds Blitzcrank's mana
o Reduced Cooldown to 9 from 10
o Modified Mana Cost to 90 at all levels from 80/90/100/110/120
Vorpal Spikes
o Now classified as a SpellAoE
(procs Rylai's Scepter and Spell Vamp)
CorkiGatling Gun
o Reduced Mana Cost to 60/70/80/90/100 from 60/75/90/105/120
Phosphorous Bomb
o Reduced Mana Cost to 80/90/100/110/120 from
o When Evelynn scores a kill or assist, she
gains 100 + 30*level health.
Hate Spike
o Damage rescaled to 25/38/50/63/75 (+0.33) from 25/40/55/70/85 (+0.28)
o Second Hit does 100% damage, up from 50%.
o Second Hit prioritizes nearby wounded enemy champions instead of a random
o Hate Spike mana cost rescaled to 10/12/14/16/18 from 8/12/16/20/24.
o Hate Spike leeches 5/10/15/20/25% of the total damage dealt.
o If the target is alone, Hate Spike deals 33% bonus damage.
o Hate Spike seek range increased to 375 from 350.
Shadow Walk
o Duration fixed at 30 seconds from 20/30/40/50/60.
o Stun Hit effect coming out of stealth reduced to 1s at all levels
o Gives 10/14/18/22/26% bonus movement speed during shadow walk and for 4
seconds after shadow walk.
o Evelynn fade time reduced to 1.25s down from 1.5. Her maximum fade time
reduced to 4s down from 5s.
o Mana cost rescaled to 100/90/80/70/60 from 75/75/75/75/75
o Cooldown rescaled to 16/14/12/10/8 from 12/12/12/12/12
o Damage reduced to 75/130/185/240/295 (+0.75) from 80/135/190/255/320 (+1)
o Mana cost reduced to 75/85/95/105/115 from 90/105/120/135/150
o Ravage now reduces 10/15/20/25/30 armor and magic resistance from the
target (up from 10/14/18/22/26).
o Ravage range increased to 500 from 250.
o Ravage cooldown increased to 10 from 9.
o Ravage incorporates a dash to the target.
o Remade as Exuding Embrace.
o Evelynn channels the essence of night, blinding enemies in the targeted
area as well as reducing their movement speed by 45/60/75%.
o Cooldown goes from 90/75/60 seconds.
o Range 650, AoE: 275
o Base AS increased to 0.695 from 0.658.
o Armor gain per level increased to 4.5 from 4.
o Base health increased to 414 from 389
o Health gain per level increase to 86 from 76.
o MP/5 per level increased to 0.4 per level from 0.25 per level.
o Base MP/5 raised to 4.6 from 3.6
Fiddlesticks* Drain
o Reduced Cooldown to 10 from 12
o Reduced Mana Cost to 80/95/110/125/140 from 80/100/120/140/160
* Dark Wind
o Reduced Cooldown to 14 from 15
GalioRighteous Gust
o Increased Mana Cost to 80/85/90/95/100 from 70/75/80/85/90
Resolute Smite
o Increased Mana Cost to 70/75/80/85/90 from 60/65/70/75/80
Idol of Durand
o Increased Mana Cost to 100/150/200 from 100/145/190
o Reduced Duration to 2 from 2.5
GragasBarrel Roll
o Reduced Cooldown to 11/10/9/8/7 from 12/11/10/9/8
o Now slows attack speed by 20/25/30/35/40%
Drunken Rage
o Reduced Cooldown to 25 from 30
Body Slam
o Increased Cooldown to 7 from 6
Explosive Cask
o No longer slows attack speed
JaxEquipment Mastery
o Tooltip updated to show health gained from each source dynamically
Leap Strike
o Cast time reduced by roughly 20% and travel speed increased accordingly
o Ability power ratio decreased to 0.7 from 0.8
o Now only deals damage to a single target rather than AoE
o Resets Jax'’s swing timer when cast
o Damage increased to 60/90/120/150/180 (+0.3 AD)(+0.4 AP)
from 40/60/80/100/120 (+0.2 AD)(+0.2 AP)
o Mana Cost decreased to 20 from 35
o Cooldown increased to 9/8/7/6/5 from 5/5/5/5/5
o Tooltip corrected to accurately state it deals magic damage
o Fixed bugs where Empower incorrectly did less damage when used at the
same time as Leap Strike or each 3rd Relentless Assault strike.
Counter Strike
o Damage increased to 80/110/140/170/200 (+0.6 AP) from
80/100/120/140/160 (+0.6 AP)
Relentless Assault
o New Active: Immediately grants Jax full stacks of Relentless Assault.
Costs 80 mana. Cooldown of 60/60/60 seconds.
o Buff icon now dynamically shows the number of Relentless Assault stacks
which Jax is benefitting from.
o Tooltip correctly indicates that Jax gains up to 10 stacks of
Relentless Assault.
Karthus Lay Waste
o Reduced Mana Cost to 20/26/32/38/44 from 20/28/36/44/52
Wall of Pain
o Reduced Cooldown to 18 from 22
Kassadin Nether Blade
o Reduced Cooldown to 12 from 15
Katarina Death Lotus
o Now fires 3 blades at all levels
Malphite Seismic Shard
o Reduced Cooldown to 8 from 10
Unstoppable Force
o Reduced Cooldown to 130/115/100 from 140/125/110
o Fixed a bug causing it to look like it had shorter range than it
actually did
MalzaharNether Grasp
o Reduced Range to 700 from 750
Call of the Void
o Reduced Mana Cost to 80/90/100/110/120 from 90/100/110/120/130
Null Zone
o Modified Mana Cost to 90/100/110/120/130 from 80/95/110/125/140
Miss FortuneStats
o Reduced Base Armor to 12 from 15
o Reduced Slow Percent to 15/20/25/30/35% from 20/25/30/35/40%
Bullet Time
o Reduced Range to 1400 from 1500
o Reduced Physical Scaling to 40% per shot from 45%
o Reduced Movement Speed Cap to 70 from 80
Ricochet Shot
o Reduced Bounce Range to 500 from 575
MorganaBlack Shield
o Reduced AP Ratio to .9 from 1
Soul Shackles
o Reduced AP Ratio to .9 from 1
o Reduced Damage to 175/250/325 from 175/250/350
NasusSiphoning Strike
o Now resets auto attacks
o Increased Base Damage to 49 from 46
Primal Surge
o Increased Cost to 80/85/90/95/100 from 65/70/75/80/85
PoppyDevastating Blow
o Now resets auto attacks
o Increased Movement Speed to 310 from 305
o Increased Base MP Regen to .9 from .75
o Reduced Cooldown to 10 from 11
Defensive Ball Curl
o Reduced Cooldown to 14 from 15
o Now Scales on 10% of Rammus's Total Armor
Puncturing Taunt
o Reduced Mana Cost to 50/60/70/80/90 from 50/65/80/95/110
o Made it much more responsive (less likely to bug out =-D)
Ryze* Updated Recommended Items
* Base HP increased to 380 from 360.
* Base Armor increased to 13 from 11.
* HP Per level increased to 92 from 86.
* Base movement speed increased to 315 from 310
* Base HP Regen increased to 1.1 from 0.87
o Cooldown reduced to 10/9/8/7/6 from 11/10/9/8/7
o AP ratio reduced to .4 from .45
o Mana cost decreased to 50/60/70/80/90 from 50/65/80/95/110
Rune Prison
o No longer deals damage per tick and deals 60/95/130/165/200 damage
up front. (down from 80/120/160/200/240 over the duration)
o AP ratio changed to a flat .6 from .4/.6/.8/1/1.2 (depending on snare
o Now deals 5% of Ryze's maximum mana in bonus damage.
o Cast range increased to 625 from 600.
Spell Flux
o AP Ratio per hit increased to .4 from .38
o Mana cost reduced to 60/75/90/105/120 from 60/80/100/120/140
o Reduced MR to 30 from 35 (considered a bug)
o Reduced Cooldown to 10 from 11.5
Insanity Potion
o Reduced Cooldown to 100 from 120
o Reduced Duration to 20 from 25
SionDeath's Caress
o Removed Initial Animation
o Reduced Damage to 110/160/210/260/310 from 120/170/220/270/320
SivirOn the Hunt
o Increased Haste to 30/60/90% from 25/45/65%
Spell Shield
o Increased Mana Return to 150 from 125
o Reduced Cooldown to 22/19/16/13/10 from 28/24/20/16/12
o Increased total AP ratio to 0.9 from 0.75.
o Fixed a bug where Decrepify would slow through Highlander or Ragnarok.
o Fixed a bug where the damage portion sometimes would not break upon
leashing the beam.
o Increased AP coefficient to 0.7 from 0.5.
o Increased base damage to 75/115/155/195/235 from 72/110/148/186/224.
o Increased AP coefficient to 0.8 from 0.6.
Carrion Renewal
o Increased regen to 300% from 250%.
o Increased Cost to 80/95/110/125/140 from 70/85/100/115/130
o Reduced Heal to 60/100/140/180/220 from 70/110/150/190/230
TeemoBase movespeed increased to 315 from 300.
o Fade time decreased to 1.5 seconds from 3.0
o Being invulnerable will prevent Teemo from Camouflaging.
Specifically, Zhonya's Ring and Guardian Angel's effects will block
Camouflage while they are active.
o Recalling will prevent Teemo from Camouflaging.
Blinding Dart
o Duration reduced to 1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5 from 1.5/2.0/2.5/3.0/3.5
o Cooldown reduced to 8 seconds from 10
o Will cancel autoattacks in progress when the blind is applied.
Move Quick
o Tooltip bug fixed -- will now update to display the effects of
cooldown reduction.
Noxious Trap
o Teemo gains a "stored mushroom" charge every 30/26/22 seconds.
Maximum three charges.
o Each cast requires and consumes a charge.
o Time to gain a charge is reduced by cooldown reduction effects.
o Time to gain next charge does not progress while you are at
maximum charges.
o Teemo always has two charges stored upon reviving at base.
o Cooldown on placing a trap reduced to 1 second from 20.
o Reduced Cooldown to 12/11/10/9/8 from 14/13/12/11/10
o Increased Damage per Stack to 5 from 3
Spinning Slash
o Reduced Cooldown to 8 from 9
o Increased AoE to 225 from 185
Twisted FatePick a Card
o Increased Blue Card Damage/Mana Return to 40/60/80/100/120
from 30/45/60/75/90
TwitchDebilitating Poison
o Now has a range indicator
o Now has a range indicator
Deadly Venom
o Reduced Duration to 6 from 8
+ Slightly Reduced Total Damage to 15-60 from 16-64
Urgot* Removed "Recommended" tag
ItemsNew Item: Hexdrinker
o Hexdrinker Recipe: Long Sword + Long Sword + Null-Magic Mantle +
570 gold = 1800 gold
o +35 Attack Damage
o +30 Magic Resistance
o UNIQUE Passive: If you are below 40% of your maximum health after
taking magic damage, you gain 30 Attack Damage and 150 Magic
Resistance for 4 seconds. This effect can occur once every 60 seconds.
Soul Shroud
o New recipe: Kindlegem + Ruby Crystal + Mana Manipulator + 485 gold,
total price and stats unchanged.
o Recipe price lowered to 375 from 425, making the price 850.
Shurelya's Reverie
o Recipe price increased to 550 from 500. Total price is unchanged.
o Recipe Changed to: Dagger + Dagger + Amplifying Tome + 550 = 1825
total cost.
o Base stats changed to +50% attack speed, 25 ability power from +50%
attack speed, +15% life steal.
o Unique Passive changed to: Your physical attacks shred your target
doing 20 magic damage and reducing their magic resistance by 6.
Magic resistance reduction stacks up to 4 times.
Warmog's Armor
o Combine cost dropped to 980 from 1100 = 3000 total cost.
o Base stats changed to 920 health, 30 hp/5 up from 770 health, 30 hp/5
o Bonuses now cap at 450 health and 15 hp/5.
o Unique Passive changed to: Permanently gain 4.5 Health and .15
Health Regen per 5 sec per minion kill. Champion kills and
assists grant 45 Health and 1.5 Health Regen per 5 sec.
Bonuses cap at +450 Health, and +15 Health Regen per 5.
Atma's Impaler
o Recipe Changed to: Chain Vest + Health Crystal + 800 = 1975 total cost.
o Base Stats changed to 45 armor, 180 health from 45 armor, 18%
critical strike.
o Unique Passive unchanged.
Rod of Ages
o Base Stats changed to 450 health, 525 mana and 60 ability power
up from 360 health, 425 mana and 50 ability power.
o Bonuses cap at 180 health, 200 mana and 20 ability power,
down from 270 health, 300 mana and 30 ability power.
Yeah its very late.
(Passive) Illumination - Lux’s damaging spells illuminate the target for 6 seconds. Lux’s next attack ignites the debuff, dealing 20-180 (depending Lux’s level) magic damage to the target.
(Q) Light Binding – Lux releases a sphere of light that binds and deals damage(80/135/190/245/300(+AP*0.75)) to up to two enemy units, dealing 50% effect to the 2nd unit struck.
Cooldown 15/14.5/14/13.5/13
Mana cost 60/75/90/105/120
(W) Prismatic Wave – Fires a Prismatic Wave that bends the light around any friendly target it touches, stealthing them for 3 seconds. In addition, Lux gains passive cooldown reduction(3/6/9/12/15%).
Cooldown 21.5/20/18.5/17/15.5
Mana cost 100/100/100/100/100
(E) Lucent Singularity – Fires an anomaly of twisted light to an area, which slows(13/16.5/20/23.5/27%) nearby enemies. Lux can detonate it to damage(60/105/150/195/240(+AP*0.6)) enemies in the area of effect.
Cooldown 21.5/20/18.5/17/15.5
Mana cost 100/100/100/100/100
(R) Final Sparkling – After gathering energy, Lux fires a laser pulse that deals damage(250/350/450(+AP*0.9)) to all targets in the area.
Cooldown 70/60/50
Mana cost 100/150/200
Here is a picture and video of her.
(Passive) Illumination - Lux’s damaging spells illuminate the target for 6 seconds. Lux’s next attack ignites the debuff, dealing 20-180 (depending Lux’s level) magic damage to the target.
(Q) Light Binding – Lux releases a sphere of light that binds and deals damage(80/135/190/245/300(+AP*0.75)) to up to two enemy units, dealing 50% effect to the 2nd unit struck.
Cooldown 15/14.5/14/13.5/13
Mana cost 60/75/90/105/120
(W) Prismatic Wave – Fires a Prismatic Wave that bends the light around any friendly target it touches, stealthing them for 3 seconds. In addition, Lux gains passive cooldown reduction(3/6/9/12/15%).
Cooldown 21.5/20/18.5/17/15.5
Mana cost 100/100/100/100/100
(E) Lucent Singularity – Fires an anomaly of twisted light to an area, which slows(13/16.5/20/23.5/27%) nearby enemies. Lux can detonate it to damage(60/105/150/195/240(+AP*0.6)) enemies in the area of effect.
Cooldown 21.5/20/18.5/17/15.5
Mana cost 100/100/100/100/100
(R) Final Sparkling – After gathering energy, Lux fires a laser pulse that deals damage(250/350/450(+AP*0.9)) to all targets in the area.
Cooldown 70/60/50
Mana cost 100/150/200
Here is a picture and video of her.
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